Chalydna Larvae

Current status:
Intelligence grade:
Lifespan ( Sols ):
Qura Island

kah-lid-nuh Lahr-vee
Various predators
First discovered:
2nd era
The larva of a Chalydna can grow up to around 6 feet long, starting off from approximately a foot and a half in size upon hatching. Chalydna larva is considered a scourge of Anarkand and most of the worlds inhabitants will dispose of any they come across.
Chalydna Larvae are basically long brown tubes composed of sensory spikes that run along the entirety of the repeating segments. Each segment contains muscles that allow the larva to contract in forward-moving waves.
The simplicity of the Chalydna Larva physically is certainly not matched in its internal complexity. Sensory perception is alive, and signals relating from smell are in effect, although fully automated. Anarkian scientists and researchers have been studying the larva of the Chalydna for decades but as of yet, the neuronal wiring diagram has yet to be completed due to limited understanding.
Chalydna adults ( the stage beyond Seeker ) reproduce by sexual reproduction. The male and female copulate, and the male deposits his essence via the Chalydna's beacon ( the glowing blue opening on top of their head. ) After 3-4 days, the female lays batches of fertilized eggs in moist organic material. After a 36 hour gestation period, the eggs hatch into Chalydna larva.
Chalydna attract partners by illuminating their beacon in a wonderful display of courtship. Chalydna that are ready to release essence glow bright blue, but those that are not ready will have less luminosity, or even worse, none at all. Further study is required to gain a greater understanding of the Chalydna.
Chalydna Larva are found all over the world and are considered to be one of the greatest threats to domesticated fauna. Chalydna reproduce rapidly in areas where the Red Hex is at optimal efficiency. The larva of the Chalydna can appear in large numbers, which creates a significant infestation across many parts of the world. Chalydna, through all stages of their life, can survive and thrive in even the most inhospitable of environments.
Chalydna grow in stages. From Larvae, which lasts up to 6 months, to then shedding its skin and becoming a seeker. At the seeker stage, the Chalydna will develop its beacon. It is still unable at this point to share essence with another until adulthood. Chalydna will remain in the seeker stage of their life cycle for around a year, sometimes 18 months, before a similar process takes place when developing from a seeker to an adult.
Chalydna operate without a family unit or any form of a hierarchy system. Once a larva develops into a seeker, the Chalydna is on its own. The lack of intelligence, conscience or emotion plays a huge role in the life of a Chalydna. Chalydna are known to be cannibalistic in their behaviours in late adulthood. This is usually down to their lack of a stable food source in certain regions of the world.
Chalydna can be found all over the world. Their larvae can sustain in any kind of environment. Due to their very basic food needs, they can operate in the coldest of regions as well as some of the most dangerous. Only in adulthood do issues present themselves to Chalydna, especially when they get older and can't navigate the world as quickly as they previously could in youth.