
Current status:
Intelligence grade:
Lifespan ( Sols ):
Very low

First discovered:
5th era
The Detlin, a vile and loathsome race, are regarded as a blight upon the universe, leaving devastation and despair in their wake wherever they roam. Originating from Sanvi, they have spread like a plague across the Anarkian west, although they are targeted wherever they go.
Detlin possess a grotesque and repulsive appearance, with twisted features and malformed limbs that inspire revulsion in all who behold them. Their bodies are riddled with corruption and decay, a reflection of the malevolent essence that courses through their veins.
One of the most disturbing aspects of Detlin biology is their method of reproduction, or rather survival. Detlin are singular, they give birth not through conventional means, but through a horrific process whereby they expel smaller Detlin creatures, known as Ebo's, from their chest cavity.
These parasitic entities are insatiable predators, consuming any lifeform they encounter with ruthless efficiency. As they grow and mature, Ebo's become increasingly formidable, wreaking havoc upon entire ecosystems and decimating populations with their insatiable hunger.
Eventually, when the Ebo has reached its fullest potential in terms of size and power, it will return to its birth mother and re-enter the birth canal, infusing her with new essence and rejuvenating her corrupted form. This twisted cycle perpetuates the existence of the Detlin, ensuring their continued spread across the world.
Detlin have no concept of empathy or compassion, viewing other sentient beings as nothing more than essence to be hunted and consumed. Their insatiable appetite for essence knows no bounds,
The origins of the Detlin can be traced back to Sanvi, where they first emerged from the depths of the region's formerly cursed soil. The vast population of Sanvi is determined to hunt them down and eradicate them, recognizing them as a scourge that threatens the very fabric of their society and beyond. Attempts were once made to weaponize them but their volatility made that impossible.
Driven by desperation and the need to protect their their society from annihilation, the people of Sanvi waged a relentless war against the Detlin, unleashing the full fury of their military might against the encroaching darkness. Yet, despite their best efforts, the Detlin still exist, albeit in far less numbers than before. They are currently facing extinction with sightings rarer than ever before.