Kabal Bomber

Current status:
Intelligence grade:
Lifespan ( Sols ):
Union of Kabal

kuh-bal bo-muhr
Immured by region
First discovered:
6th era
Kabal Bombers are born from the failing essence of Kaballan elders across the country. As such, when these Kaballans are born, many defects are usually present, be it in intellect, learning capability, or physically. For this reason, and the shorter lifespan afforded them, these Kabal are nominated for protective roles within the Kaballan army as bombers.
Kaballan biology was once very different. It was more pure. For years they enjoyed the luxury of the Red Hex above them, which delivered clean air, reliable energy and weather systems, like the rest of the world is used to. That all changed in 10th era when war broke out between the lesser nations of Kabal ( as they were known before they formed a union ) and an alliance that contained Marrakis, Murdu, and Dumatra. More information on the war can be found by visiting the Union of Kabal on the interactive map.
The war lasted some 70 Earth years and resulted in extensive damage to the Red Hex above the lesser Kaballan nations. This damage resulted in the single biggest tragedy in Anarkand's history, resulting in the deaths of over 100 million inhabitants between all the nations.
The fallout from this war, known as the Sona War, meant that the physiological capability of the Kaballan people was heavily affected. The air was impure, pollution became a major issue, the weather systems that they had been dependant on for centuries had began to fail, and even the most basic of lifes requirements, such as breathing, became difficult.
The Marakai, who were sworn enemies of the Kaballans, performed one of the greatest u-turns in Anarkian history by aiding their enemies. They helped restore parts of the Red Hex, afforded the Kaballan people much needed food and water, clothing, engineers and builders, to try to save the country from complete annihilation.
The Empire of Radamis also played a huge role in redeveloping the country by encouraging the forming of a union of lesser states, ( now, The Union of Kabal ), which now no longer contains any individual countries. This union has surpassed all expectations.
The Radamis Empire aided in the development of breathing apparatus for each of the inhabitants, and began building huge pipelines and structures across Kaballan lands that would filter clean, non-polluted air into the country, allowing the people to thrive once more. Of course, this 'kindness' shown by Radamis simply guarantees the empire have a powerful ally in the region against the Marakai and the 12e Alliance.
Due to the issues surrounding air and pollution, the Kaballans now wear permanent breathing apparatus from birth.
Kabal Bombers are those born from weak essence, usually from old Kaballand nearing the end of their lifes cycle. This makes them weaker physically, less intelligent, have a lower capacity for learning and in memory retention. Their life cycles are significantly lower too, with most of these inhabitants living for under 50 Earth years by default.
Kaballans are genetically tainted due to the Sona war. They are getting stronger as the genome develops and changes through the generations. Kabal's population is slowly but surely developing strong immunity to the various pollutants in their water and in their air. This has resulted in discourse about the potential threat from the Union of Kabal in the future, and is a growing concern amongst 12e Alliance members.
Kabal Bombers are utilised in all forms of war. They will not only defend their lands, but they will travel to others to cause damage and death.
Kabal Bombers are very loyal to the mother and father of the union. Very rarely do they leave the area, although diplomats, explorers, and other political leaders for the country will travel outside. Many Kaballans live in fear of the outside world as they are, ironically, unsure that they will survive the changes to cleaner air, cleaner environments, cleaner water, and stronger RED Hex components.
Kaballans will grow up to 7 feet tall. Depending on where their essence has come from, they are usually quite strong. Much like humans, there is a short infantile stage, leading to pre-adolescence, adolescence, then adulthood. Bombers will complete rigorous army training and then spend the rest of their lives awaiting orders from The King or Queen of Kabal.
When a Kaballan is designated as a Kabal Bomber, his or her life will be pre-determined from that point forward. They are not allowed to reproduce, share essence, or engage in political, geographical, governmental or family matters. Bombers will complete rigorous army training and then spend the rest of their lives awaiting orders from The King or Queen of Kabal.