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Nekata Forest

Immured by region
Nekata Forest
First discovered:
10th era
In the verdant heart of the Nekata Forest is the home of the enigmatic and deeply interconnected race known as the Khajeera. Despite their outwardly human appearance, the Khajeera are just as much Anarkian as the trees themselves. They are bound by a profound connection to the lush Nekata Forest and the myriad of life forms that call it home.
The Khajeera bear a striking resemblance to humans, with graceful features and an aura of serenity that sets them apart. However, their society is defined by a remarkable gender imbalance, with females outnumbering males by a staggering thirteen to one. This unique dynamic has shaped the social fabric of Khajeera culture, where men are slightly more revered. This imbalance has created a greater unification between their people.
Living in harmony with the natural world, the Khajeera have forged a deep bond with the Nekata Forest, viewing it not only as their home but as a sacred sanctuary that sustains and nurtures them. They dwell within small caves scattered throughout the forest, but their most iconic dwellings are found within the hollowed interiors of the Zeydan trees, affectionately known as the "living trees." These majestic giants provide a warm and cozy refuge for the Khajeera, serving as both shelter and spiritual sanctum.
Beliefs and Traditions:
Central to Khajeera belief is the notion of interconnectedness, both with one another and with the living ecosystem of the Nekata Forest. They hold a deep reverence for all forms of life within the forest, from the smallest insectoid to the towering Zeydan trees, viewing each as an integral part of a greater whole.
The Khajeera believe that the forest itself guides them in the creation of new life, weaving together the threads of existence to bring forth new generations of their kind. They hold sacred the root system of the forest, believing it to be a conduit to the Nexus and the world beyond death. According to their beliefs, the root system protects and honours their ancestors, carrying messages from the living to the departed and vice versa.
As stewards of the Nekata Forest, the Khajeera have sworn a solemn oath to protect their sacred home against any form of threat. They are peaceful by nature, preferring diplomacy and cooperation over conflict and strife. Yet, should the need arise, they will not hesitate to defend their homeland.
Khajeera are well respected by other sapient beings for their wisdom, compassion, and intelligence. Their tranquil demeanour and deep connection to the natural world serve as a beacon of hope and inspiration for all who seek solace and enlightenment amidst the wonders of the Nekata Forest.